Spouse Maintenance Guidance at Curtis Family Law


A lot of different words are used to describe spouse maintenance and can include, spousal support, alimony, financial support, living allowance and partner maintenance.

Child Support is separate to Spouse Maintenance.

What is Spouse Maintenance

Spousal maintenance refers to financial support paid by one spouse to the other following separation or divorce. It is designed to help cover their reasonable living expenses if they cannot adequately support themselves Married couples and De-Facto couples are entitled to apply for spouse maintenance.

How much is Spouse Maintenance

Spouse maintenance can be paid periodically or as a lump sum, depending on the circumstances of the case and the agreement reached between the parties or as ordered by the court. The amount and duration of spouse maintenance payments are determined based on various factors, which can include:

  • The financial status, including income, expenses, and resources, of each spouse.

  • The age and overall health of each spouse.

  • The care arrangements for any children of the marriage.

  • Duration of the marriage and contributions made by each partner.

  • Any other relevant factors.

If you need assistance with making or defending a spousal maintenance claim, reach out to us.